Thursday, June 14, 2012

New member!

We have brought on a second developer!  Okay, he's family, and isn't getting paid, but I'm still excited to have a second person on board designing and developing software.  He's supposed to be sending me a bio soon so that we can add it to the "About" page, and he's already begun work on what promises to be a very exciting game.  As soon as he has a working title, I will add it to the "Games" page, and try to get some screenshots for the blog.

Good times.  Good times.

Also, I am almost finished with the inventory system in Daniel the Hero.  I have some cleaning up to do, and the "Use" and "Equip" buttons don't do anything yet, but it is looking very promising.

Hopefully this weekend I will have some more screenshots to show off, and possibly will be able to begin work on the actual dungeon :D

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